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9 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste
Looking to reduce your food waste? The latest Consumer Pulse Report from Choice highlights the soaring cost of food as one of Aussie families’ greatest concerns. So with grocery bills rising, there’s never been a better time to reduce your household’s food waste. Check out these easy ways to reduce your household’s grocery bill.
Community Comes Together to Help Person In Need
In 2015 a young lady by the name of Sharlie Dei-Rossi gave a call-out to SA’s northern suburbs community in an attempt to help her sister, Lyndsay. A 27 year-old nurse from Adelaide, Lyndsay was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2007 and was struggling to make-ends-meet in the wake of living with this challenging illness.
Australia Looks to Turn Everyday Waste Into Energy
Humans generate a staggering 2.1 billion tons of municipal waste per year, almost all of which eventually ends up as landfill. But across the globe an exciting alternative is growing in popularity. Waste-to-energy (WTE) is the process of creating energy from this discarded rubbish, and across Europe this pioneering technology is saving the planet.
A Growing Mountain of E-Waste
Ever wondered what happens to your old computers or iPhones once you upgrade? Record amounts of e-waste were discarded around the world in 2014 and according to research conducted by the UN University, 42 million tonnes (42 billion kilograms) of electrical and electronic waste is added to global landfill stocks each and every year.
Hoarding: A Life Surrounded by Rubbish
Stories of hoarders date all the way back to the Late Middle Ages and the publication of Dante’s epic poem, Inferno. Yet while we have long heard stories, and been deeply fascinated by the bizarre behaviour of hoarders, it wasn’t until the late Twentieth Century that psychologists started to properly examine this unique condition.
How to Pack Your Skip: Maximising Your Skip Hire
No matter whether you’re renovating your home, or simply looking to get rid of some of your unwanted rubbish, you can save time and money by hiring a skip. The major advantage of skip hire is simplicity; all you’ve got to do is fill it up, order online, and we’ll take care of the rest.